
The pandemic shipping crisis has caught up to us

Christine Kocourek

We are working hard to restock our products, but bar soap takes a month to cure and there was a world wide lye shortage about the time we needed to make soap.

Other fun worldwide shortages we've encountered but surmounted: cornstarch, aloe vera liquid, citric acid, soy wax, soy melt clam shell containers, bottles (still a challenge, but we're getting better at it)

We have also had to discontinue some of our scents. Manufacturers have changed some of the ingredients in their scents and this now curdles our milk, preventing us from making certain bar soap scents. Current casualties: boozy bourbon pumpkin and jasmine.

Fresh apple and lavender chamomile vanilla lip balm flavors also appear to be a casualty of the pandemic, though we have a little left of the latter. Perhaps they'll return when the supply chain gets sorted.

Thank you for sticking with us! We are trying as hard as we can (without killing ourselves - apparently you can work yourself to death) to keep products in stock for you and keep our business alive.


Christine & Keith and the critters


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